jim "JR" hagan

YEARS PLAYED: 1984 - 1999 (active); OBs after '99

POSITION[S]: Flanker, 2nd Row, Fullback, Flyhalf

Influential UMRFC players: David Weber, Arnold Cowmeadow, and Tommy McLaughlin; entire '95 collegiate side 

Other clubs and select teams played for: Michigan State RFC, '79-82; Milwaukee RFC, '83; Elgin RFC, Cherry Pit '84; Washtenaw RFC (HS), Ann Arbor MI, coached from 2002 to 2014; Frederick Falcons RFC (HS), Frederick MD, coach from 2017 to present

MEMORABLE GAMES, PLAYS, TOURS, OFF FIELD EVENT: Bahamas '85; Mardi Gras early 90's; the days of "mixed" University clubs (students, faculty, staff, and townies; this model facilitated the growth and development of many college-aged players into superb technical rugby players, many of whom played higher levels up to and including the US National team); too many "off pitch" events to list; Chairman of OBW 50th

CURRENT LOCATION: Ann Arbor, MI and Frederick, MD

OCCUPATION: UM since 1988

FAMILY: Married to Jody Dougherty; 2 grown daughters; Lauren and Olivia

comment: I always like to say that prior to joining UM, I played rugby. Once, I joined UM and played for David Weber, I became a rugby player.

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