aaron "tex" dodd

YEARS PLAYED: 2004-2009/2009-Present

POSITION[S]: 10 (why would you play anything else)

Influential UMRFC/MRFC players: Wes, Train, Rubes, Finn, Sultan, Zimmers, Stulberg, Hagan, Perp, Masso

Other clubs and select teams played for: Team Bigote

MEMORABLE GAMES, PLAYS, TOURS, OFF FIELD EVENT: Midwest champions in 2007, D2 national finals in Albuquerque. Tours to Argentina, Mexico City, Prague, Southern Prowl (RIP bus). My favorite play used to be the rolling 1-2 which was a pop pass to the in centre (Mulligan) that turned into a maul with the out center.


OCCUPATION: Strategic Market Development at NSK (bearing guy...)

FAMILY: Wife Libby, Daughter Caroline

comment: My time spent with UMRFC has helped prepare me for all sorts of challenges in the real world. I met my wife through rugby (thanks Sam), and would definitely not be here where I am today without all the people that helped me. It has been exciting and rewarding watching the club grow since 2009 and it wouldn’t be where it is today without everyone who has helped over the years. I especially appreciate all of the unpaid coaches that I was lucky enough to learn from (Adam, Steve, Masso, Perp)

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